Direct Deposit is where user can add, edit or view direct deposit information for any employee in a company.  If an employee changes bank accounts, best practice is to inactivate old accounts instead of deleting them from system.





Disable 1x - If box is checked, the associated direct deposit record will be blocked for current payroll only. Once payroll is closed, the box will be unchecked again.


Note: this flag must be set before you process the payroll.  If you change the settings, you must re-process. If the employee has multiple checks on the affected payroll, this setting will apply to all checks.


Employee ID - 8 digit ID for the employee.


Last Name - Last name of employee.


First Name - First name of employee


Routing Number - Routing number of the employee's bank account.


Account Number - Account number of the employee's bank account.


Bank - The bank name that the money will be deposited to.  This is for informational purposes only.


Account Type - The type of account this is, Checking or Savings account, or PayCard if using Readyfunds.


Calculation Method - The calculation method determines how net pay amounts are allocated to bank accounts. Options:


% Of Net Amount - This method will deposit a percent of the employee's net pay.

Fixed Amount - This method will deposit a flat dollar amount.

Remainder - If multiple direct deposit accounts are being used this selection will cause the system to deposit any amounts that are left over after a fixed amount and/or percent deposits are made.

HSA - This method is used to direct deposit into an employee's HSA account.  System will read the amount on the employee's HSA deduction and create a direct deposit for that amount.  The Amount Dollar and Amount Percent fields will be left blank.

% of Gross Amount -  This method will deposit a percent of employee's gross pay.


Amount Dollar - If calculation method is a Fixed Amount, amount is entered in this field.


Amount Percent - If the calculation method is % Of Net or % of Gross Amount, percentage is entered in this field.


Card ID  - This field is only used when handing out a ReadyFUND$ Instant Issue card and should contain the 13 digit Card ID that shows through the envelope of the card, NOT the debit card number.


Interface Type - This field is used to choose the type of card being issued:


ReadyFUND$ Personalized MasterCard – In this case the user is asking for a card personalized with the employee’s name to be mailed to their home address.


ReadyFUND$ Instant Issue MasterCard – In this case the user is reporting that a particular Instant Issue card has been given to the employee from the onsite card inventory.


Validation Rules for for ReadyFUND$ setups:


ReadyFUND$ Instant Issue cards require a 13-digit card number. 


Date of Birth is required when issuing a ReadyFUND$ card.


Employees can only have one Active ReadyFUND$ account at a time.


ReadyFUND$ cards cannot be reissued. 



Interface Status – This is a field that is designed to show the status of the employee in registration process. Every ReadyFUND$ card registration requires the cardholder to pass identity check. Once identity check is successful, the card can be funded if the status is "Passed".


Active -   Box is checked when direct deposit is active.


Note: Entering certain employee data requires a subgrid (variable pay, deductions, accruals, and direct deposit information) that needs to be saved before clicking the Save icon at the bottom of the screen. There is a checkmark and an X to the left of the record being added. Click the checkmark to save the subgrid or click the X to cancel the entry. If you click Save at the bottom of the screen before saving the subgrid, you will get a reminder prompt.