Employee Request Time Off


From the employee’s home screen, they will click on Time Off in the top right hand corner.


On the following page, there will be a green box that turns blue when you hover over it.  This is in the top right hand corner.  Click on this box.  A large box will pop up on the screen for the employee to fill out. 



Once they have filled out the information needed, they will click on the green box at the bottom “Submit Time Off Request”

Employee Request Time Off Process

Employee's can request time off using the following path:

Log in to PoplarWorks  > Home Page > Time Off 


From here, the employee will land on their Time Off Dashboard. Where they will be able to view all policy totals and balances as well as any Upcoming Time Off, Time Off Taken, and Balance Adjustments.  

From the Employee Time Off Dashboard > Request Time Off (green button)


The Time Off Request window will then display on the page as shown below.  From this widget the employee can:

  • 2016-05-16_11-44-32.jpg

    1. Select the Leave Type.
    2. Select date or date range requested off.
    3. Indicate a 'Partial Day' requested and enter the number of requested hours.  This option is only available if the time off request date entered is a single day.
    4. View the calculated balance as of the date of the time off requested and the number of hours remaining in the policy year.
    5. Enter an optional reason/comment which will display with the time off request and will be included in the "Leave Request Created" email.
    6. Submit Time Off Request.


After the Request has been submitted, an email notification will be sent to the employee's manager or to the HR User if a manager has not been assigned. 






Q: What if an employee requests a full day off and then only ends up using a partial day.  How can we make the correction?  

A: The initial request should be canceled and a new request entered for a 'Partial Day'. This can be done by the employee or an admin user.


Q: What if an employee submits a time off request and selected the wrong 'Leave Type'?  Can this be changed?

A: The initial request should be canceled and a new request submitted using the appropriate Leave Type. This can be done by the employee or an admin user.


Q:  My group's employees work 10 hours days.  Can the system support this?

A: The system currently defaults a full work day to the standard 8 hours.  Partial days can be entered for requests less than 8 hours, but not more.  Best practice would be to instruct employees to indicate the number of hours requested in the Reason field when submitting a time off request and an administrative user could process the Adjusted Hours.  We will be reviewing this enhancement request in the future. 


Q: My group works on weekends, but the system is not allowing them to enter a time off request for Saturday or Sunday since it is not a 'work day', why not?

A: Currently the standard Monday-Friday work week is configured in the system as 'work days' (with the exclusion of configured holidays).  Best practice would be to have an administrative user process Adjusted Hours with a Reason of "weekend time off requested".  We will be reviewing this enhancement request in the future.


Q: Why are we receiving an error message stating "Requested date cannot be before the start of the policy year" when attempting to submit a time off request?

A: Time off requests can only be submitted for the current policy year or a future policy year. Once a policy year has ended, no additional requests can be added since the year end process has already taken place. Use the Adjust Balance tool to modify the employee's current balance to account for requests from prior policy years.