Time Off Request (Management steps)
The “Time off Request” feature gives an employee the option to request time off through the Employee Self Service portal (ESS), while giving their supervisor the ability to approve or reject their request.
Note: Both supervisors and managers can use the ESS Portal to request time off from those who have authority to approve their Time Off Requests.
To set up email alerts for supervisors to receive the “Time off Request,” there are two core steps required. The first step is to setup the supervisor login with the necessary information.
Employer Steps:
Step 1. From the “Settings Menu” click on “Login Maintenance” found under “Quick Links.”
Step 2. Click the blue link associated with the supervisor login. (If the supervisor has not been set up, click “Add New Login.”)
Step 3. Add First Name, Last Name, and Email fields, which are required, in the “User Information” section.
Step 4. Click “Update User Information” to save any changes entered.
Assign Employee to a Supervisor(s)
The second step is to enter the supervisor’s first and last name into the “Supervisor” field of “Employee Setup." Assigning an employee to a supervisor gives the supervisor the ability to manage the employee’s activity. This includes viewing and editing time cards, running reports, approving requested time off, adding PTO hours, setting and viewing schedules, and approving their pay period*.
Step 1. From the “Main Menu” select “Employee Setup.”
Step 2. Click on the name of the employee.
Step 3. Click “Edit” next to the “Employee Data” section.
Step 4. Enter the supervisor’s first and last name as it is listed in the supervisor login settings.
Step 5. Click “Save and Exit” or “Save and Remain.”