Remember, first, that you should add employees to your PoplarWorks HR Portal if you are a PoplarWorks organization. If they are timekeeping employees, we will add them to the timekeeping for your use.
However, if you wish to add an employee to timekeeping yourself, or your organization does not use PoplarWorks, here is how to manually add an employee to timekeeping.
Add New Employee
Adding a new employee to the timekeeping system is done by an authorized user. Depending on your access level and permission settings you may not have access to set up a new employee. With a client level login you have full access to setup and manage employees in the “Employee Setup” page.
Step 1. To add a new employee click “Employee Setup” from the left pane, or click on “Add New Employee” and skip step 2.
Step 2. Select “Add New Employee” found in the “Employee Setup Options” list. (See illustration 1.1).
(Illustration 1.1)
Step 3. There are 3 mandatory fields: First Name, Last Name, and Logins / Numbers. The other fields will be populated according to your company’s profile. (See illustration 1.2).
Note: Hover your mouse over the field titles for a brief description of each field.
In the Login and Numbers field the word “Logins” refer to the login ID that will provide access to the Web Clock, Employee Self Service (ESS) Portal, and TimeWorks Mobile (if activated). The word “Numbers” refer to a PIN or Card number used to clock IN/OUT of a time clock. Note: wall-mounted hardware clocks can only accept numerical values for punching IN/OUT.
For example, enter a user Login ID to access the ESS Portal and a card number to punch IN/OUT of a time clock. An additional field populates when data is entered, giving you the ability to have additional logins and card numbers if needed. Only the first three fields can be used as Web logins.
A password is only required if using the Web Clock, ESS Portal, or TimeWorks Mobile. While entering the password in the “Employee Setup” you will be able to see the password. Once the new employee is added to the timekeeping system the password will be hidden from view.
The employee will be prompted to change their password the first time they log into the ESS portal. If using the Web Clock the employee will need to log into the ESS Portal first in order to change their password to punch IN/OUT of the Web Clock.
Note: If an employee does not have access to use the ESS portal, they will need to click on the “Timecard” link found in the top right corner of the Web Clock. The employee will then be prompted to change their password.
Step 4. Click “Save and Exit” or “Cancel” found at the bottom of the page.
(Illustration 1.2)